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Table and related classes for Octave

Tablicious Release Checklist

Here’s the process for doing a Tablicious release.

  1. Run all the tests.
    1. addpath(fullfile(getenv('HOME'),'repos', 'octave-tablicious', 'inst'))
    2. __run_test_suite__ ({fullfile(getenv('HOME'),'/repos/octave-tablicious/inst')}, {})
    3. tblish_test_tablicious
    4. Wouldn’t hurt to do make clean && git status && make test and manual-cleanup, just to be sure.
  2. Update the version info in the repo.
    1. Update the version number and date in DESCRIPTION.
      1. Remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix from the version number.
    2. Update the CHANGES.txt file with the release date.
      1. Use the current calendar date in UTC time, not your local time. Or use your local time; who really cares.
      2. And check that it has a complete change list for the release. This should be done as changes are committed, but we’re not great about that.
  3. Update the installation instructions in README to use the upcoming release tarball URL.
    1. Format is:<version>/tablicious-<version>.tar.gz
    2. As of 2024-10, this is just in the “Quick start” section.
  4. Update the generated doco.
    1. Regenerate the doco: make doc; make gh-pages
    2. Make a versioned copy for this release:
      • ver=$(grep ^Version DESCRIPTION | cut -d ' ' -f 2); mkdir -p docs/release/v${ver}/user-guide; cd doc; cp -R html tablicious.html tablicious.pdf ../docs/release/v${ver}/user-guide
        1. What is wrong with you, Andrew? Make this a make target instead of a 200-character-long bash cut-and-paste command.
    3. Add a section for the new release’s doco to docs/, and update the links in the main paragraph to point to it.
  5. Commit all the files changed by the above steps.
    1. Use form: git add -A; git commit -a -m '[release] v<version>'
  6. Make sure your repo is clean: git status should show no local changes.
  7. Run make dist first to make sure it works.
    1. This has to be done after the commit, because it extracts from git history.
  8. Create a git tag and push it and the above changes to GitHub.
    1. git tag v<version>; git push; git push --tags
  9. Create a new GitHub release from the tag.
    1. Just use <version> as the name for the release, not v<version> or v <version>.
    2. Copy and paste the changes for this release from the CHANGES.txt file into the GitHub Release description field.
    3. Upload the dist tarball as a file for the release.
  10. Test installing the release using pkg install against the new release URL.
    1. On macOS.
    2. On Ubuntu.
    3. sigh I suppose, on Windows.
    4. Do this by copy-and-pasting the pkg install example from the live README page on the GitHub repo. This makes sure the current install instructions are correct.
      1. Don’t short-circuit this and just edit an entry from your Octave command history! Open GitHub in a browser and actually copy-and-paste it!
    5. pkg test tablicious should do it.
  11. Open development for next version
    1. Update version number and date in DESCRIPTION to next patch or minor version, as appropriate.
      1. Include a -SNAPSHOT suffix to indicate this is a work in progress.
    2. Add a section to CHANGES.txt for the new upcoming release, at the top. Use (unreleased) for its release date.
    3. Rebuild the doco
      1. make doc; make gh-pages
    4. git add -A; git commit -a -m 'Open development for next version'; git push
  12. Close the GitHub Issues Milestone for this release.
    1. Create a new Milestone for the next release, if one doesn’t already exist.
  13. Announce the release.
    1. Update the OF packages index info in the gnu-octave/packages repo.
      1. Put in a PR to the gnu-octave/packages repo to update packages/tablicious.yaml.
        1. Add a new item to its versions section for this new release.
        2. See example: Tablicious index update for 0.3.7 - 0.4.2.
    2. Add a comment to the Tablicious News issue with a link to the new release.
    3. Post an announcement on the Savannah bug for datetime support if this is a significant release with respect to the date/time classes.

If there were any problems following these instructions exactly as written, please report it as a bug.