Tabular data array containing multiple columnar variables.
Convert an array to a table.
Convert a cell array to a table.
Convert struct to a table.
Outer fill value for variable within a table.
Filter by variable type for use in suscripting.
A string array of Unicode strings.
Test if strings start with a pattern.
Test if strings end with a pattern.
Test if strings contain a pattern.
Categorical variable array.
Group data into discrete bins or categories.
Represents points in time using the Gregorian calendar.
Represents a complete day using the Gregorian calendar.
True if input is a ’datetime’ array, false otherwise.
Durations of time using variable-length calendar periods, such as days, months, and years, which may vary in length over time.
Create a ’calendarDuration’ that is a given number of calendar months long.
Construct a ’calendarDuration’ a given number of years long.
Duration in days.
Represents durations or periods of time as an amount of fixed-length time (i.e.
Create a ’duration’ X hours long, or get the hours in a ’duration’ X.
True if input is a ’duration’ array, false otherwise.
Create a ’duration’ X milliseconds long, or get the milliseconds in a ’duration’ X.
Create a ’duration’ X hours long, or get the hours in a ’duration’ X.
Create a ’duration’ X seconds long, or get the seconds in a ’duration’ X.
List all the time zones defined on this system.
Create a ’duration’ X years long, or get the years in a ’duration’ X.
Fill missing values.
Find missing values.
Remove missing values.
Insert standard missing values.
Generic auto-converting missing value.
Test if elements are NaN or NaN-like
Determine element-wise equality, treating NaNs as equal
Requires that input is of a given type.
Requires that input is a cellstr.
Requires that input is a char row vector.
Requires that the inputs are the same size.
Requires that input is scalar.
Requires that input is a scalar logical.
Requires that input is a vector or empty.
Apply a function to column vectors in array.
Display strings for array.
Alias for prettyprint, for interactive use.
Expand scalar inputs to match size of non-scalar inputs.
Format an array size for display.
Split data into groups and apply function.
Apply function to vectors in array along arbitrary dimension.
Example dataset collection.
The ’dataset’ class provides convenient access to the various datasets included with Tablicious.
Plot pairs of variables against each other.
True if input is a ’categorical’ array, false otherwise.
A dummy function just for testing the doco tools.
A do-nothing class just for testing the doco tools.
Conditioning plot.