6 Example Data Sets

Tablicious comes with several example data sets that you can use to explore how its functions and objects work. These are accessed through the octave.datasets and octave.dataset classes.

To see a list of the available data sets, run octave.datasets.list(). Then to load one of the example data sets, run octave.datasets.load('examplename'). For example:

t = octave.datasets.load('cupcake')

You can also load it by calling octave.dataset.<name>. This does the same thing. For example:

t = octave.dataset.cupcake

When you load a data set, it either returns all its data in a single variable (if you capture it), or loads its data into one or more variables in your workspace (if you call it with no outputs).

Each example data set comes with help text that describes the data set and provides examples of how to work with it. This help is found using the doc command on octave.dataset.<name>, where <name> is the name of the data set.

For example:

doc octave.dataset.cupcake

(The command help octave.dataset.<name> ought to work too, but it currently doesn’t. This may be due to an issue with Octave’s help command.)